Sunday, November 6, 2011

Shopping With Kase

Shopping with Kase has become quite an adventure these days. First example was a month ago at the grocery store. I was doing shopping for the week, so the cart was piled high to the top. Kase thought it would be funny if he started grabbing things, throwing them on the floor, just so he could say, "uh oh!" So everytime something new went in, out it would go  onto the floor, just in time to hear "uh oh!" I was bending over every two seconds and he thought it was just hilarious. He was very proud of his "uh oh, " obviously likes the sounds of his own voice.

Next it was at Target. We were in the Pajama/Intimate Section. I was on the phone for a minute and browsing the sleep pants. I hung up the phone and look in the shopping cart, only to find about ten pairs of panties!! All Extra Large and Hot Pink! He was grabbing anything he could reach and tossing it in the cart. I thought I put them all back and finished our shopping. Wouldn't you know I go to checkout, get all the stuff out of the cart and find one more pair of extra large hot pink panties at the bottom of the cart. My face turned a slight shade of red as I handed them to the teenage boy and told him I didn't need to buy them. Oh what a day!

The latest excursion took place at the Outlet Mall.  My mom and I wanted to take a quick trip to exchange some shoes I bought for Kase. Well, you know women, the quick trip turned into an hour and a half of walking around, browsing, and trying on. Kase was fed up! He'd been relatively quiet as long as he had a sippy and some snacks, but he was ready to get out of the stroller and stretch his legs. So we had one more store to stop in, and decided he should be fine out of the stroller for a few minutes. Boy were we wrong! The second we get in the store and his feet touch the ground, he goes running like a wild man. He grabs a stack of sweaters and tosses them on the floor. Then another stack. Next, he grabs a purse and stuffs it into the bottom of the stroller!! My mouth just dropped! As mom and I start running after him, he moves to the front of the store and is banging on the glass window like a monkey stuck in the zoo. I finally wrangle him back into the stroller, thinking that will solve the madness. He's screaming and wailing as I push him along. (This is where most mom's would probably give up and go home, but they were having such a great sale, I had to get a couple sweaters!!) So on the way to the fitting room, arms and legs flailing everywhere (a definite sign of needing a nap) we walk by a cart where he proceeds to hit a box full of thousands of dress pins that go flying EVERYWHERE!! They're in his lap, his stroller, the floor, his diaper bag!! Now I'm on the floor picking up thousands of straight pins that are stuck in the floor and making no progress. He's screaming, my mom's laughing and I'm about to lose it. I get about half of them up, before deciding it's a lost cause and I really need to try these sweaters on and get this baby outta here! Needless to say, he is not allowed out of that stroller anymore!

He may be a handful, but he keeps me on my toes! Life is not slow when Kase Dylan is around. Lots of people keep asking me if we are ready to have another and the answer is..... NO!!! It's not that I don't want more, cuz I do, but I feel like he still needs so much of me. And I still am amazed every day at this little human Tyler and I created that is so curious and bright. Maybe when he gets a tad bit older, I'll be ready, but for now he is still all the baby I need and want. 

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