Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kase is 6 months

Man time flies by! It's already been 6 wonderful months spent with our little sunshine and lots of new things are happening. At his checkup he was in the 23rd percentile for weight, but the 95th percentile for height! He has his middle two bottom teeth, which he has learned very quickly can hurt mommy but make for a great laugh. I started him on solid food and make a lot of it myself. It's really pretty easy. His favorite so far is probably avocado and believe it or not, his least favorite has been banana. What baby doesn't like bananas?! He's really rolling and scooting all over the place. You can put him down in one spot, turn around for two seconds and he will be across the room in no time. I'm definitely a proud momma and you will probably quickly tell that I think the smallest achievements are cause for celebration. But it's my first time being a mom and I want to soak it all in, capture everything on camera and tell the world.

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