I thought I'd give you guys a highlight of some of the things going on in our
lives right now. Things have been pretty busy, and don't show much signs of slowing down.
Tyler's practice officially opened a little over 2 months ago. We had a great Grand Opening
Party. I'm trying to track down some pictures and once I get them, I'll try to remember to post them.
The party was a huge success and got a lot of people interested in Chiropractic and more
importantly interested in Dr. Tyler. So far things are moving fairly smoothly. They have had
a pretty consistent stream of new and return clients. Word of mouth is spreading quickly.
Tyler's my husband so I'm allowed to gloat... People are raving over him! I have been told many
a story of how impressed they are over Tyler's knowledge and his ability to listen to the patient
and explain things in a way that other doctors have not done. I, of course have seen this in him,
but it makes me (and him) feel so proud when it comes from a patient that has been in pain for
so long and Dr. Tyler has been the first one to be able to help them. Things are going so well,
that they are actually considering adding on to this clinic. The space next door is being prepped
for retail space and so Tyler and his business partner Phil are thinking about snatching some
of that space up for extra rooms. It's still an idea in progress, but is looking like a good posibility.
I have been doing my best to be involved in the company as well. I hope overtime to be able to learn as much as I can and be a helpful asset.
The next big thing going on for us is... It's moving time again!! If you know Tyler and I, we move
A LOT!! For me personally, this will be my 10th time moving since I was 18!! For Tyler and I,
it will be our 6th time moving together. Crazy!! So, the good news is, is that once we move this
time, we are not going anywhere for a VERY long time. Currently we are renting a house from
a family friend. We are really happy here and were not planning on moving so quickly, but we
received an amazing offer from Tyler's business partner that we could not refuse. Phil (Tyler's business partner) is getting married and moving in with his fiance and offered us a really great
deal on his house. Because Tyler just started his own business, in Texas you can not get a home
loan until you have had your business for 2 years, we can not buy it yet. So we will basically
be renting to own the home. But it will be our home and we are so excited. It is a beautiful
home and I definitely see the potential to make it our own. And it has a pool! This will all happen
at the end of this month, so time to start packing!!
In the meantime, we are getting super excited about Kase's 2nd birthday coming up! (September 15th) Because it's in less than 2 weeks, we decided with the move coming up, in order to make things
as least stressful as possible, we are going to skip a party this year and take him to Sea World
in San Antonio instead. I think he will really love that and we can have some much needed
family time, just me, him and Tyler.
Then after we move in, it's time to get settled in and get ready for the holidays!! We are so thankful
for the opportunities we have been given and thank all our family and friends that support us
along the way. So come and visit us in the new house!!