Monday, September 3, 2012

Catch up on the Slags

I thought I'd give you guys a highlight of some of the things going on in our
lives right now. Things have been pretty busy, and don't show much signs of slowing down.
Tyler's practice officially opened a little over 2 months ago. We had a great Grand Opening
Party. I'm trying to track down some pictures and once I get them, I'll try to remember to post them.
The party was a huge success and got a lot of people interested in Chiropractic and more
importantly interested in Dr. Tyler. So far things are moving fairly smoothly. They have had
a pretty consistent stream of new and return clients. Word of mouth is spreading quickly.
Tyler's my husband so I'm allowed to gloat... People are raving over him! I have been told many
a story of how impressed they are over Tyler's knowledge and his ability to listen to the patient
and explain things in a way that other doctors have not done. I, of course have seen this in him,
but it makes me (and him) feel so proud when it comes from a patient that has been in pain for
so long and Dr. Tyler has been the first one to be able to help them. Things are going so well,
that they are actually considering adding on to this clinic. The space next door is being prepped
for retail space and so Tyler and his business partner Phil are thinking about snatching some
of that space up for extra rooms. It's still an idea in progress, but is looking like a good posibility.
I have been doing my best to be involved in the company as well. I hope overtime to be able to learn as much as I can and be a helpful asset.
The next big thing going on for us is... It's moving time again!! If you know Tyler and I, we move
A LOT!! For me personally, this will be my 10th time moving since I was 18!! For Tyler and I,
it will be our 6th time moving together. Crazy!! So, the good news is, is that once we move this
time, we are not going anywhere for a VERY long time. Currently we are renting a house from
a family friend. We are really happy here and were not planning on moving so quickly, but we
received an amazing offer from Tyler's business partner that we could not refuse. Phil (Tyler's business partner) is getting married and moving in with his fiance and offered us a really great
deal on his house. Because Tyler just started his own business, in Texas you can not get a home
loan until you have had your business for 2 years, we can not buy it yet. So we will basically
 be renting to own the home. But it will be our home and we are so excited. It is  a beautiful
 home and I definitely see the potential to make it our own. And it has a pool! This will all happen
 at the end of this month, so time to start packing!!
In the meantime, we are getting super excited about Kase's 2nd birthday coming up! (September 15th) Because it's in less than 2 weeks, we decided with the move coming up, in order to make things
as least stressful as possible, we are going to skip a party this year and take him to Sea World
in San Antonio instead. I think he will really love that and we can have some much needed
family time, just me, him and Tyler.
Then after we move in, it's time to get settled in and get ready for the holidays!! We are so thankful
for the opportunities we have been given and thank all our family and friends that support us
along the way. So come and visit us in the new house!!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Toddler Talk

Nearing his 2nd birthday in the upcoming weeks, Kase has been talking A LOT!! Some of it is very
clear, some of it is his own version of words and some of it is just jibber jabber. Just wanted to share
a few of his favorite sayings:
"Chicken fren fry"
For some reason this is like his favorite thing to say. Everywhere we go that involves food, he says it, like he's ordering. If we are at the grocery store, he says it over and over the whole time. At
fast food, sit down restaurant, and even if we just drive by Chic Fila. The funny thing is he doesn't
really eat french fries, so I don't ever even order them for him. But for some strange reason he still
walks around "chicken fren fry, chicken fren fry!" It's hilarious.
"Baby try"
He hasn't quite gotten down "Kase" yet, so he refers to himself as "Baby", which to Mommy, he still
is. But this is what he says when he doesn't want you to help him with something or wants to do it
all by himself.
"Momma, Dada, Baby"
It's crazy at how such a young age how aware they are of things. Since Tyler started his own practice
and hasn't been home a ton, Kase is sharply aware of how special it is when we are all together
lounging around the house. When we are all snuggling on the bed, he'll look at me, then daddy,
and say "Momma, dada, baby" and get this biggest smile on his face and then just fall into us with
a big hug. It is so special because I know he is content and at peace when he has his whole little
family together.
Those are just a few of my favorites. He has been talking up a storm lately and I love listening to
him finally being able to express what goes on in that crazy little head of his. September 15th is
just around the corner. I can't believe he'll finally be 2, he's been acting like it for quite a while,
and people always think he's like 3 by his looks. I love watching him grow!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My cutie pie

Since I haven't added anything lately, thought I'd just share of pics of
our little monster.

Chilling in his clothes in his chair in his baby pool :)

Took some pics for a contest. Still waiting to hear!

Love that smile

Daddy's birthday!

At the lake for Memorial Day

He was not scared at all.

Caught a cute fishy!

That look is awesome

Likes wearing his Elmo backpack around

Hanging in Grandpa Craig's backyard

123 Jump!

Loves balls

My handsome guys :)

So there's a little catch up with Kase. He is really doing great. Talking up a storm.
It's so cute to listen to him try and repeat really big words, but he does his best.
He's learning quickly as well. Knows lots of shapes, parts of his alphabet and working
on numbers now too. He's already so smart and I look forward to what amazing things
he will do in life. He is a special little guy.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Uploaded all the pictures from my cell on to my computer and found some adorable
pictures of baby Kase. It definitely is giving me some baby fever!

Look at that smile!

Sleeping with daddy.

Too adorable.

Love, love, love that face.

My little pirate

Saying his prayers :)

Beary sweet

Hanging with mom

He was chunky for maybe a month or two

It's so cool to see how he's grown in just over a year and a half. If it's possible, I
think he gets cuter and cuter every day!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Kase is obsessed with shoes. I can't even go into a store and look at shoes
for him without him freaking out. I know that if I try a pair on him, I better be prepared
to buy them, cuz they ain't coming off his feet once they go on. And this is only his assertion
at 19 months. I can't imagine what it will be like when he's 3, or 5, or 12, or 16!! Well, at
least he will be well dressed. Anyway, here's a pic of the latest bunch of his shoes. He's already in a size 8!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

We Got Your Back

Here are some pictures of the construction going on in the new clinic
space. It's pretty exciting! Right now it's a lot of dry wall and dust, but you can
get the idea.

         This is a view from one of the entrances. That will be the front desk on the right.
    The open space will be the physical therapy area. That open doorway is Tyler's office
                                           and to the left are the exam rooms.

                                                          Dr. Tyler at the front desk

                                            Father and son checking things out.

                                                                 P.T. Area

                                              Little Man in the first exam room

        Hallway coming out of the first exam room. The door on the right is exam room
                             #2 and straight ahead is the xray suite/exam room #3.

               Exam room #2. Ceilings in the rooms will be capped eventually. Then the
                                               rest of the space is open ceilings.

               Another hallway leading out of the xray suite to Tyler's office and the PT area
                                                               and bathroom.

                                                     Xray suite/exam room #3.

We are so excited and thrilled to be on this next chapter of our lives.

This is the outside. Beautiful right?? It's that bottom corner office. Sign's will be going up soon.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Big Changes

Things have been pretty crazy around here the past month or so. We have
lots of exciting things going on. Starting with moving. We are pro's at this by now
and we have done it once again. We moved to a new house and Kase is loving it.
I know I have sent the new address to a few people, but if you need it let me know.

The other big and exciting thing going on in our family is that Tyler quit
his job at HealthSource and is opening his own Chiropractic clinic. We could not be more excited and thrilled at this opportunity. Right now he and his business partner are busy
buying eqiupment, picking out design schemes and setting up utilities. They already
have the space and started construction last week. It's going to be a really
nice clinic and Tyler is super excited to be able to run his own clinic. Stay tuned
for more details. We just got cable and internet set up yesterday at our new
house, so I can keep up now a little better. I will update soon as things progress
on the new clinic. I believe they are looking to open in June.

P.S. I think I am going to open my facebook back up to keep up with
family. I feel very out of the loop. But will still continue to post the important
stuff on this blog. Ok hope everyone is doing well.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

18 Months

Well our little man just turned 18 months last week and I can't believe how time has flown.
He is definitely not a baby anymore. He had his check up and is still coming in around the 85th percentile for height. Every time someone asks how old he is, they assume he's 2 or 3.
He continues to blow me away with how smart he is. He is doing really well with potty training, going a couple times a day on his big boy potty seat. He's also starting to recognize a few shapes and letters. I freaked out one day while reading to him and he pointed to a shape and said, "oval!" I couldn't believe it. He also says some random fun words like turtle, elbow, moon, ball, kitten. Of course my favorite is him yelling, "Momma!" across the house. He's still going to the Little Gym once a week and having a blast with that. He's about to move up to the big boy class in a couple weeks and I think that will be great for him, a little more of a challenge.  He's on a really great schedule right now that makes my day much easier. He's sleeping really good and eating well also. He loves to sing and dance. We blast the radio at home and he starts boppin' his head and yes, we taught him to fist pump, lol. It is a wonderful feeling as a mom, to watch my son grow and learn everyday. He is happy and healthy and that is all I could ever ask for. Here are some pictures from the last few months....

 In February we took him to see Elmo Live. We were worried he might
get scared, but we were in the 4th row and he loved it.

                                                 Eating cotton candy with Dad.

                                                             During intermission.

                                                         Had his Elmo gear ready.

                                     This is what happens when dad puts your pj's on.

 Valentine's Day. He got a whole bag of goodies then helped himself to a couple cupcakes.

    Whenever it's quiet, I can count on him being in the dog kennel. He thinks it's so funny.

                                                    Loves wearing big people shoes.

Went to Galveston beach last week. Had so much fun. Water was too cold
at first, but then he warmed up to it. Our friend Parker came too!

                                                               A man and his tools.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Chomp is on bed rest

Our poor baby girl Chompers is on bedrest for TWO weeks.  A few days
ago she hurt her back and now has to be on anti-inflammatory pills and pain meds
for 2 weeks as well. I feel so bad for her. She is so sweet and looks so sad. But I 
am hopeful for a full recovery. Mommy will take good care of her!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Daddy's little warrior

Tyler went paint balling last weekend and Kase was fascinated
by Ty's gear. Ty even let him shoot a couple shots. That's what is above his head
on the fence. I've never seen a little boy so happy with a gun. It's a little
frightening for a mom to see. But I do love this pic. He looks so serious, like he's
looking around for the enemy. Boy we are in trouble with this one!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

No more facebook

So I'm going to be closing my facebook account soon. With all that free time, I will be able to update this blog much more often. I will use this as the primary way to connect with friends and family. I will still post pictures and updates on all things Kase and the Slagowski family. Follow me or enter your email address at the top and it will notify you every time I post something. You can also leave comments or email me. I look forward to a break from the fb and being able to share more mommy stories in depth on here. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Some thoughts

Just wanted to share a few thoughts.

 Last month Kase came down with the flu. It was one of the most challenging weeks
I have ever had as a mother. Watching your little one go through the flu is hard on the eyes and
heart. As everything was going on, I was finding it a little hard to cope. It's a very stressful situation when your child is that sick and miserable and you can't do anything to make him better. He needs constant attention. You're tired, he's tired, your husband is tired. It was pretty rough around here. But thankfully we made it out on the other side just fine.

After that grueling week, I was thinking to myself, imagine having to go through all of that with TWO kids. Tyler and I have toyed around with the idea of having another baby sometime this year. But after that week, I'm glad its not now. I just wanted to give a shout out to
all the moms I know that have a handful of babies and kids. You guys are amazing and nobody works harder than moms. Sometimes I feel like I am barely keeping my head above water raising one. And the idea of having another is a little frightening, but you guys are inspiration that it can be done.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Houston Zoo

Kase loves animals. But his favorite animals are lions, elephants and giraffes. So when we went to the zoo recently, you can imagine he had a blast.